Are you spending too much time on your smartphone? Are you addicted to social media and Apps on your phone? Do you want to monitor or control how much time you spend on your phone? Then Timeout is the app for you.

Timeout is an App that helps you to monitor and keep track of the time you spend on your smartphone. You get to choose the amount of time you will like to spend on your favorite app while Timeout monitors your usage in the background. Whenever you exceed your preset usage duration on your smartphone, Timeout automatically blocks your access to the offending App – helping you to stay focused and preventing smartphone addiction. You can now have quality time for other activities that matters. You can look at Timeout as both your digital detox assistant and a smartphone addiction control.

Here are some of its features:

App Usage Monitoring: Track as many apps on your smartphone as you like. Timeout shows you how much time you have spent on each App and how many times you have accessed it.

Usage Allocation: Choose how long you want to spend on each app. Timeout monitors your usage and warns you when you are about to exceed your daily allocation.

App Block Feature: Are you tempted to exceed your daily allocation? Don’t worry, Timeout’s lock feature can be enabled to restrict your access to the addictive app once usage allocation is exceeded.

Easy-to-use Dashboard: View the allocation usage, duration of use and frequency of use for each tracked app at a glance.

Interactive Unlock Features: whether you choose to wait for the countdown timer, solve a few riddles or use the emergency access, Timeout gently reminds you of the need to spend your time wisely.

Daily Reports: Timeout can send you daily reports of your App/Smartphone usage including the Top 10 most used Apps and the total time you spent on your device.

Decide which App to track using the Top 10 Most Used App feature: You can easily see which Apps are draining most of your time and add them to your monitored Apps.

Calendar Feature: See how you performed in terms of App usage over a range of days or weeks. You can even see your usage for the month to help you plan better.

Use Timeout for Parental Control: You can install Timeout on your child’s device to keep track of what Apps your child spends time on. Simply check the daily report each day to see the most visited Apps and the duration of time spent on them.

Share your progress with friends using the Screen Share feature: This sends a screenshot of your usage report to your friends.

Not intrusive: Requires just a couple of permissions.

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